home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Dogs, Cats, Criminals.
- Citadel Cadet Class of '93
- å "it was a Circumcision accident..actually"
- ë ë "Gentlemen there are aliens among us"
- þ{þ{þ{ ¦ll wüt t k¤w s: WH M¨ þ{þ{þ{
- This side up \
- ¤$×M¥Ñ Å G¥ Â׳V$.ÕÀm at îÀeveü.
- I'm too sexy for this conference...
- {COMMO} {COMMO} COM doobie do down down
- There is more to reality than meets the eye
- _____________ÚÚÚÚ_¢._¿¿¿¿_____________
- !!!!!!!! U.S. SUPREME COURT @ !!!!!!!!!
- !HIASCII taglines.
- "Ok, now for a quick backuCa&}%#^1sp"
- "Ok, now for a quick backuÃá&ý%#^1sð"
- ##*#####*##+SQm#T*##g is eating my taglines.
- #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* Yellow Brick Road
- #+mdJ = ca | u++#?+# <--- OOPS! My buffer barfed!
- $#&$#%*((&)(^$$#%^$..... ohhh sorry - no speaka de ASCII !
- $sv WH BTHR(
- (1993 European tour of the Jackson Five)
- (a short musical interlude)
- (huskily) Oh, yes! Scan me NOW! ºÞº³º³Û³ºÝ³ºÝ³³
- )(o ) (o )* Look left )( o) ( o)* Look right
- * Tap here >>>>>>>>>> [] <<<<<<<<<< with HAMMER for a new monitor!
- ************ áeta testers are CRAZY! ************
- ,, We are the world ,,,
- .,.+,+.,.+,.,+.,+.,,+.,..+..,,.Tagline Graves
- ...................... Group Photo
- .[0 I hate these .[0;1;5;32;44mBLINKING.[0m taglines
- .[0;33m======================.[0m Dirty Underwear Tagline
- ///\oo/\\\ ///\oo/\\\...There are NO more bugs...///\oo/\\\ ///\oo/\\\
- /^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\ - three camels, walking east
- /^\/^\/^\_j_/^\/^\/^\ Camel in a valley, walking north.
- /^\/^\/^\_j_/^\/^\/^\ A novice skiier fixing his skis.
- /^\/^\/^\_ê_/^\/^\/^\ A novice skiier fixing his skis.
- /^\/^\/^\_ê_/^\/^\/^\ Camel in a valley, walking north.
- 5¬ floppy is not better than 3« hard.
- ::::::::BOOM!:::::::You sunk my tagline!
- :u) User with funny-looking left nose
- ;B<A;N<I;I<L;L<E;G<I;B<L;E<I;T<A;G<L;I<N;E<S
- <**B010000012f4ced... Not NOW, stupid!
- >><< >><< Bugs... What Bugs? >><< >><<
- >>>>>>>¡¤ô¢rmtü bt H.R§ss rt:phü1-800-685-7777
- a shot of reality never hurt anyone ³ÄÄÄIJþ²þ²þð=ÄÄÄÄ,
- Abandon all hope, ye who press [{ÄÙ] here...
- All things dull and ugly, all creatures short and squat
- Always look on the bright side of life
- Anti-theft device installed on tagline---Ò---
- Are YOU talking to me? (x(x)
- Are YOU talking to me? (ø¨ø)
- Big deal! Who gives a flying anyway...
- Big deal! Who gives a fying anyway...
- Binary Choir = 1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1.
- Bit Decay!? Yo say ou have Bi Dîcay
- Brain Cells: E -[--+----+----+---- F
- Censorship is something ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ I do ÛÛÛ like!
- Da Duke Sayeth: ë ë "Gentlemen there are aliens among us"
- Darn my hånî Àiüä s nøs
- Dessert? I'll take a piece of cherry ã.
- Do I have this thing configured righ÷÷é÷÷øêøôîäK
- Don't worry, I'm gong t bckup tdæ!
- E = mcý ñ 2 dB.
- Extrusion, « Science, « Art, and « luck
- eüs àre îàÂiüg m ár
- Getting á all the time.
- Govt. doc.: And ÛÛÛÛÛ said, "ÛÛÛÛÛ is the reason I ÛÛÛÛÛ the dog!"
- Guessóèàüç retain files, or any other key to reformat C:
- HA! Just try and steal THIS taglineÒ---ÒSee I told you!
- Happiness is finding special characters @@
- Hey! Don't pick up that phoׯ»á½ÃÒç NO CARRIER
- Hey, Fred Niles, how the {CENSORED} are you?!? ,,
- Hmmmm what's this red butto¹»ÆºÃNO CARRIERÿ
- I . Music
- I message database managers.
- I my dog, my cat, and I don't baby seals. Have a day.
- I my dog, I my cat, I my wife :-)
- I my wife,I my cat, I Med, I if I do, if I don't
- I @fn@'s Taglines
- I HATE call waitinÌÚ᮲NO CARRIER
- I like ê-made Ò.
- I love happy faces! Don't you?
- I t±ld yo±, "Never±touch ±he flop±y disk s±rface!"
- I'm grinning from {'ere to 'ere
- Johnson & Johnson : ÛÛÛÛÛ°°°°°ÛÛÛÛÛ ouch
- Johnson & Johnson Tagline: ÛÛÛÛÛ°°°°°ÛÛÛÛÛ
- Krell energy meter:{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{ }{ }{ }
- Laugh a Little.. Sing a little..
- Meter: [...../] Water Meter: [÷÷÷÷÷/]
- mY íç×är Mdäm |s
sTr|üg and a ç|n (an
- Name:³ºÞº³º³Û³ºÝ³Ý Rank:Þº³ºÛ³ºÞ³º Serial No:³ºÞºÝ³ºÝº³
- No trouble with Hi Ascii Here
- Of course I know Braille, :.::: ::..: ::.::. :..::
- ONLY YOU CANÒ ____Ò / \Ò ³STOP³ Tagline Theft!!!Ò \____/
- Pick up the phone. I've got MNP on m×»á½Ãç NO CARRIER
- s ouô sËsop ¢¤ ëçug.
- She was naked and thenÐZ>?Ý¿ïþîÞ|ý¾=
- Signed: The dirty old man........................
- s}{Þ-Ýô][...Þ_iSßÛßäÉ» Ñ() ÑÞ-Ýä áËSÑRäÕ¸Ú¿s...
- tagline snow
- The invisible tagline.
- The worst thing about censorship is ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ.
- This is your SysOp. Âôs s ouô sËsop ¢¤ ëçug.
- This tagline contains 100% nÆnw¤ ôbçs.
- To be or not to be. That is the result of 2bý.
- Vçî¨!¨ Wî d¥'t gt ¥ t¥k¥g vçî!!!
- Vî â mM0ï §© Dî.
- WATCH THIS!! /. PrestO! ChangeO! /.
- WHAT? Bigger Docs? V^^^\_ o^o _/^^^V
- Will you still respect me after we scan ³ºÞº³Û³ºÝ³ºÝ³³
- W׳ Ë× Wâ(D Ñâ¥$ Ñ× $W$ ³Gפ.
- Wî [0Mî ï äî. G
- Wî [0Mî ï äî. GVî â mM0ï §© Dî.
- [] my job. [] my boss. I'm self employed!
- [0mThe [30minvisible [37mtagline.
- [5;32;40mAm I crazy... Or is this tagline blinking?
- [<<] [>] [>>] [þ] [||] [|>]
- _Look_ its a babble fish: }<> úì øø øúù<>{ }<>úø úø
- _____________ÚÚÚÚ_¢._¿¿¿¿_____________
- __ô_Ò(~~~~~~ Sub Tagline sighted, sir.
- _~\~_~\~_~\~_~\~_~\~_~\~_~\~_~\~_~\~_~\~_~\~_~\~_~\~_
- ~'~%~%~%~%~%~%~ HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! ~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~
- Citadel Cadet Class of '98
- "Gentlemen there are aliens among us"
- ô ü't b ô¤sv WH BTHR¨
- Àeüs àre îàÂiüg m árü -- ÕÀm at îÀeveü.
- ¹
~}ɽ~ ¨§®...Just kidding, your modem's OK.
- aissez es Bon Temps Roull, I smell good times
- ȼ ü øÞÜÝR Þ-ÝgÅŠƵäî³_ s³\³î¦Þ<îrS.......
- ¨Qu?
- ®®®®®Healthy, Wealthy and Wise--And I Like It¯¯¯¯¯
- ¯ Everything is just chemistry! ®
- ¯¯ÍÍÍÍ Cruising at 14,400 bps V42bis ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ>
- ¯ìûÔÔh·¤ Cþhanks for hanging up, dear.
- °±² This is no test - repeat, this is no test²±°
- °±²Û Family Bored? Try the Lunatic Fringe! Û²±°
- ²²² êêê ²²² Moderators... Run over the cunts!
- ²²²²²²²²² <- Scratch Here For Your Instant Tagline Prize!
- ²²²²²²²²²²<- Scratch here to reveal prize....
- ³Th³is³ t³ag³li³ne³ i³n ³ja³il³, ³ Do not steal.
- ³ºÞº³º³Û³ºÝ³ºÝ³³ - No Tag Line, Just a Barcode...
- ³ºÞº³º³Û³ºÝ³ºÝ³³ <- Will Hooked on Phonics teach this?
- ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ BT tstrs d§ ¡t ô§r r ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ
- ºÒºº³Ûº³³Û³ºº³³Ò Generic Tagline
- »B¼A»N¼É»I¼L»L¼E»G¼I»B¼L»E¼É»T¼A»G¼L»I¼N»E¼S»
- ÀÄÂÄÙ . ú ÀÂÙ (I miss football!)
- ÀÅÙÚÅ¿ÀÅÙ The Devil made me do it. ÚÅ¿ÀÅÙÚÅ¿
-    This tag line is nailed down to prevent theft  Â
- Âô¡s s î¤Úîë
- ÂƸ¡$ ¡$ ÀÙâ À¡¥ä Ú¿¡À âädäâ ¥ dâÀÙg$. Any questions?
- Â̹î äxuÂéïîr
- Â̹î äxuÂéïîrlmÂ× mä$$g mëî âøM 100% Úôë ä³
- Â× mä$$g mëî âøM 100% Úôë ä³ç©åï
- ôîy! ËƵîrî's Õ¸ pÀÙbC ̹ոr Þ\Ý Þ\/Ýy CoÞ<î!!
- ÄÄ-ww-øUø-wwÄÄ- Kilroy was short.
- ÄÄ>This space intentionally left blank<ÄÄ
- ÄÄÄÍÍ͵ An Aardvark is not just for Christmas ÆÍÍÍÄÄÄ
- ÄÄÄÍÍ͵ Lycanthopy Nooooooooowwwww !! ÆÍÍÍÄÄÄ
- ÈÊʼ Hey Rocky, watch me pull a tagline outta this hat!
- ÈÊÊÊʼ Hey Rocky, watch me pull a tagline outta my hat!
- ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍ I SYNC.... therefore I NAK 1...!! ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»
- ÍÍÍÍÍÍBobbie Sumrada is my Stepmother !!ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ
- ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Ich bin ein Bytebrother ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ
- Ñhs Ñalïî h$ ûr$ n t - dínt $tl ¡ç!!!!
- Ò _._._Ò ( ) Klingon tagline sighted, Sir.
- Ò Boycott shampoo!Ò Demand REAL poo!
- Ò-Chat Mode-ÒÒ SYSOP Here, You have 30 seconds!
- ÓONLY YOU CANÒ ____Ò/ \Ò³STOP³ Tagline Theft!!!Ò\____/
- ÓRÞÜÝSË ³\/³î, i'Ú¿ Õ¸ PR[]îssioÞßݦÞ_
- Óyip yip yip yap yap yipe! *BANG*ÒNO TERRIER
- Ô¾Õ¸Ô¾Õ¸Ô¾ Pumpkin teeth...
- ÛÛ²²±±°° Dolby SURROUND °°±±²²ÛÛ
- ÛÜßÜßÜßÜßÜßÜßÛ I just got run over ÛßÜßÜßÜßÜßÜßÜß
- ÝÝÝÝ Don't panic.. it's only a virus ÝÝÝÝ
- ßÛßôîRî s É»o gr¦ûÒy. Ñôä ä¦rßÛß̹ sÀÙcÞ<s.
- ßÞßÞßÞßÞß crawling through the furnace ÞßÞß
- ßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþß
- àlpha testers do it first, áeta testers do it last!
- á late than never.
- áungee Jumping is Coo¶.¶.¶.¶S¶N¶A¶P¶!
- çh â mëîM éï ëâgs
- çh â mëîM éï ëâg
- çh$ ¡s éâ çàGüî åü ëâg.
- çh$ ¡s éâ çàGüî îüâîë
- ç Ú¿ÿ $îx ôôîç$ r îî$¡gÿç....
- ç ³ÅÅl $îx ôôîç$ r îî$¡gÿç....
- èè temporary short between the headphones èè
- ééé...îxÂîü³}î|} $<³³!!
- êêêêêêêêêêê - A penal colony
- êêêêêêêêêêê ®ÄÄÄÄÄ A condom chorus line"
- êû .... A swift kick in the groin will beat four aces!
- ë Ä> ê I've gotta swim up THERE?...just to die??
- ë ë ë ë ë ë ë ë ë "Hey swim back! He's wearing a condom!
- ïî h$ ûr$
- ùÅR...
- úyou can't get there from here...
- úøù.ùøù.ùøù.ùøù.ùøù.ù Tagline bees! Quick Mom, the Raid!
- ûûErrorûûCheckingûûModemsûûarn'tûûtheyûûGreatûû
- ü -- ÕÀm at îÀeveü.
- þ °°±±²² áâàï áà¤kîë çí âîvîüÑ ®áæâ¥-ï¯ ²²±±°° þ
- þÄþÄþÄþÄþÄþÄþÄþCþHþAþIþNþÄþLþIþNþKþÄþÄþÄþÄþÄþÄþÄþ
- þÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþÜþßþ OH NO, a worm in my Hard-drive!